This must-read piece from 2021, offering a brief economic history of US artists and creatives, by outstanding labor journalist Robert Kaiser-Schatzlein.
The creative class en masse will need to get behind political movements that aim to provide low-cost housing, curtail the financial sector, and reinvest in public schools and municipal infrastructure.
Khawla Ibraheem’s A Knock on the Roof, a play about motherhood and everyday life in Gaza, forthcoming at New York Theatre Workshop in January 2025. (Sign up for announcements here.)
Comedian-turned-painter Sam Kissajukian’s ingenious performance/exhibit 300 Paintings, playing at New York’s Vineyard Theatre through December 15th of this year.
media’s independent reporting on Palestine, immigration law, and climate change.
Jesse Donaldson’s timely review of Foxfire, an ongoing catalogue of Appalachian culture since 1966, in Book Post.
Collectively, [Foxfire] offers over four thousand pages of interviews—a mother lode of material that rounds out a story of Appalachia beyond the deeds and misdeeds of power brokers and the ruins they leave behind.
More on Foxfire here.